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Spring Time! :)

Joyful Samoyeds

Happy Spring! For some of us, winter is still in full swing. For others, spring has arrived. No matter which group you are in or if you are somewhere in-between those two, rest assured winter is not forever and spring is just around the corner. :)

Along with spring comes the spring shedding for all our Sammy family members. If you aren't already doing so, now is a good time to start brushing your dog ideally every day or 3 times a week. If that isn’t possible for you, brushing at least once a week will help. Brushing not only helps catch the hair before it falls onto your floors but it also really helps the hair not to get tangled. Tangles in the hair are more likely during shedding season because the winter coat is loosening and can tangle more easily before it drops completely out.

Another downside of spring is that those pesky insects such as ticks, fleas, lice, mosquitoes and flies get more active too. If you don’t already have a protocol in place now is a good time to have a discussion with your Veterinarian and/or professional groomer in your area whether or not a topical product such as Frontline or K9-Advantix is right for your dog. Also, especially if you live in a wooded area or go hiking a lot with your dog, you may want to discuss with your Veterinarian whether or not a Lyme disease vaccination is right for your dog.

We hope you all enjoy the warmer weather, longer daylight hours, spring sunshine and eventually we will have flowers on the ground too! :)

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